下载Iot智能电饭煲代码.md 1.1 KB


  • 安装git

    sudo apt install git
  • 下载代码或者使用提供的压缩包

    git clone https://gitee.com/pengfeihou/rice.git
  • 按照说明文档拷贝代码和修改代码

​ 查看开发代码代码修改文件,修改相应的代码。

  • 编译测试

    # 启动docker
    docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/openharmony swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker:0.0.5
    # 运行代码
    root@641d0e8bf49e:/home/openharmony# hb set
    [OHOS INFO] Input code path:.
    OHOS Which product do you need?  wifiiot_hispark_pegasus
    root@641d0e8bf49e:/home/openharmony# hb build -b release -f
    [OHOS INFO] /home/openharmony/vendor/hisilicon/hispark_pegasus/fs.yml not found, stop packing fs. If the product does not need to be packaged, ignore it.
    [OHOS INFO] wifiiot_hispark_pegasus build success


  • 下载安装
