/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "iot_boardbutton.h" #include "cmsis_os2.h" #include "iot_gpio.h" #include "iot_gpio_ex.h" #include "ohos_init.h" typedef enum { BUTTON_ID_F1 = 0, BUTTON_ID_F2, BUTTON_ID_MAX, }ButtonID; typedef struct { ButtonPressedCallback callback; char *args; }ButtonCallBackController; typedef struct { ButtonCallBackController controller[BUTTON_ID_MAX]; }ButtonController; static ButtonController g_buttonController; #define BUTTON_F1_GPIO 11 #define BUTTON_F2_GPIO 12 /** * @brief Callback for F1 key * */ static void F1Pressed(char* arg) { (void)arg; printf("%s:pressed \r\n", __FUNCTION__); if (g_buttonController.controller[BUTTON_ID_F1].callback != NULL) { g_buttonController.controller[BUTTON_ID_F1].callback(arg); } } /** * @brief Callback for F2 key * */ static void F2Pressed(char* arg) { printf("%s:pressed \r\n", __FUNCTION__); if (g_buttonController.controller[BUTTON_ID_F2].callback != NULL) { g_buttonController.controller[BUTTON_ID_F2].callback(arg); } } int Board_IsButtonPressedF2(void) { int value = 1; int tmcnt = 10; IoTGpioInit(BUTTON_F2_GPIO); IoTGpioSetFunc(BUTTON_F2_GPIO, IOT_GPIO_FUNC_GPIO_12_GPIO); IoTGpioSetDir(BUTTON_F2_GPIO, IOT_GPIO_DIR_IN); while (--tmcnt > 0) { osDelay(20); if (IoTGpioGetInputVal(BUTTON_F2_GPIO, &value) != 0) { printf("[ERROR][%s|%d] IoTGpioGetInputVal failed! \n", __func__, __LINE__); break; } if (value) { break; } } return value ? 0 : 1; } int Board_InitButtonF1(ButtonPressedCallback callback, char *arg) { g_buttonController.controller[BUTTON_ID_F1].callback = callback; g_buttonController.controller[BUTTON_ID_F1].args = arg; // init gpio of F1 key and set it as the falling edge to trigger interrupt IoTGpioInit(BUTTON_F1_GPIO); IoTGpioSetFunc(BUTTON_F1_GPIO, IOT_GPIO_FUNC_GPIO_11_GPIO); IoTGpioSetDir(BUTTON_F1_GPIO, IOT_GPIO_DIR_IN); IoTGpioSetPull(BUTTON_F1_GPIO, IOT_GPIO_PULL_UP); IoTGpioRegisterIsrFunc(BUTTON_F1_GPIO, IOT_INT_TYPE_EDGE, IOT_GPIO_EDGE_FALL_LEVEL_LOW, F1Pressed, NULL); return 0; } int Board_InitButtonF2(ButtonPressedCallback callback, char *arg) { g_buttonController.controller[BUTTON_ID_F2].callback = callback; g_buttonController.controller[BUTTON_ID_F2].args = arg; // init gpio of F2 key and set it as the falling edge to trigger interrupt IoTGpioInit(BUTTON_F2_GPIO); IoTGpioSetFunc(BUTTON_F2_GPIO, IOT_GPIO_FUNC_GPIO_12_GPIO); IoTGpioSetDir(BUTTON_F2_GPIO, IOT_GPIO_DIR_IN); IoTGpioSetPull(BUTTON_F2_GPIO, IOT_GPIO_PULL_UP); IoTGpioRegisterIsrFunc(BUTTON_F2_GPIO, IOT_INT_TYPE_EDGE, IOT_GPIO_EDGE_FALL_LEVEL_LOW, F2Pressed, NULL); return 0; }